Return and Shipping Policy.
We deliver the art prints within 5 working days (with the exception of plexiglass).
To protect the environment and work economically, we only print our designs on demand, which is why we do not store our art. Each canvas undergoes a personalized quality control which is not possible if we already had our designs in stock. For this reason, we only offer refunds for the following reasons: Stripes / stripes Ink scratches or spittle Damaged during transport Breuker Concepts is not responsible for delays of any kind, except for damage or loss. In case of loss, we will send you a brand new canvas at our expense. If you want to report a defect, please contact us immediately and no later than 2 days after delivery. We will send you a replacement canvas or refund the amount paid via Credit Card, PayPal or a Gift Card. Note: Personalized artwork is non-refundable. CANCELLATIONS Note: Cancellation is only possible up to 1 hour after purchase. We print up to 100 designs per day, therefore cancellation after this period is not possible. Please feel free to contact us via



In order to protect the environment and to operate economically, we only print our designs on demand hence we do not store our art. Each canvas will go through a personalized quality control which won't be possible if we had our designs already in stock. 

Due to this reason we only offer refunds for the following reasons:

  • Streaking/ Banding
  • Ink scratches or spits
  • Damaged in transit

Breuker Concepts is not responsible for shipping delays of any sort except damage or loss. In case of a loss, we will send you a brand new canvas at our cost. If you like to register a flaw, please contact us immediately and no later than 2 days after the delivery. We will send you a replacement canvas or refund the paid amount via Credit Card, PayPal or a Gift Card. 

Note: Personalised Artwork is not refundable. 

Please note: Cancellations are only possible up to 1 hour after purchasing. We print up to 100 designs per day hence a cancellation after this time period won't be possible. 

Please feel free to contact us at any time.